How to Use This Website

■ Overview of “Check a Toilet”

“Check a Toilet” is an internet project to build and manage a database of information on various toilets (restrooms) including wheelchair-accessible ones

■ What to Check

“Check a Toilet” provides detailed information on the facilities of individual toilets (restrooms).
Items to Check 〔Please See the Glossary〕

Please provide detailed information on multifunctional restrooms (restrooms with the wheelchair sign)

◆Checkpoint #1 : Overall appearance and facilities

What picture to take: Please capture the whole external appearance to show the presence or absence of stair(s) in front of the restroom.
  • ①Signs indicating the restroom
  • ②Presence or absence of stair(s) at the entrance
  • ③Type of the door
  • ④Presence or absence of braille blocks

◆Checkpoint #2 : Internal configuration of the restroom

What picture to take: Please capture the whole internal space
  • ①Size of the space inside the room
  • ②Baby rest
  • ③Washing equipment for ostomates
  • ④Luggage rack

◆Checkpoint #3 : Equipment around the toilet seat

What picture to take: Please take a picture showing the positions of handrails.
  • ①Types of handrails
  • ②Positions of handrails
  • ③Hot-water-washing toilet seat
  • ④Emergency call button

■ For Individual Cooperators

As an “individual user

◇For activities as an “individual user”

◇Functions available for “individual users” ※1

  • Registration:    Put a mark on the map (to register)
  • Edition & deletion: Put a mark on the map (to update / delete)
(Note)Individual users are only allowed to edit or delete the information registered by themselves.


  • Please respond appropriately to other users’ requests for edition or deletion of the information you have registered.
  • Please do not delete for personal reasons the information you have registered.
  • If you find any incorrect information
※1 Individual User 〔Please See the Glossary〕

■ For NPOs and Volunteer Organizations

Local NPOs and volunteer organizations can register, edit and manage UD toilet information in their respective areas,with area-specific managing authority as an “area manager.”

◇For activities as an “area manager”

  • Make registration
  • Wait for reply from the website.
  • Start registration, beginning with the UD toilets in your neighborhood!

◇Functions available for “area managers” ※2

  • Registration:    Put a mark on the map (to register)
  • Edition & deletion: Put a mark on the map (to update / delete)
(Note)Area managers are allowed to edit and delete the directly input information in their respective areas.


  • Please manage your specified area,responding appropriately to other users’ requests for edition or deletion of registered information.
  • Toilet information in your area is regarded as reflecting your intention as the area manager in charge,that is to say,management of your area is left to your moral sense. Thus,if you would take any immoral action,you would be forced to withdraw from our organization.
  • Please do not delete for personal reasons the information you have registered.
  • If you find any incorrect information,please send a message to the registrant to keep accuracy of the registered information.
  • If you find any toilet you have registered being also registered by another area manager,please take contact with the area manager and make an appropriate arrangement.
  • When you transfer your authority as an area manager to somebody else,you are requested to give prior notice to the website manager. If any misdeed would be found,you would be deprived of the authority.

◇Registration and website use as an “area manager” is free of charge. You just need to file an application for your registration. Please fill in the registration form and send it to the website manager.
The authority as an “area manager” will be given to groups and organizations with multiple members,such as social welfare councils,volunteer centers,chambers of commerce and industry,tourism associations,independent living support centers,NPOs,private volunteer organizations,and educational institutions (universities,vocational colleges,etc.).

※2 Area Manager 〔Please See the Glossary〕

■ For Local Governments and Facility Operators

Local governments and facility operators can register accurate UD toilet information with color coding and provide it to the public.

◇For activities as a “local government” or as a “facility operator”

  • Make registration
  • Wait for reply from the website.
  • Start registration of the UD toilets in your administrative areas or those in your facilities!

◇Functions available for “local governments and facility users” ※3

  • Registration:    1.Put a mark on the map (to register)
  • Edition & Deletion: Put a mark on the map (to update / delete)
(Note)Local governments and facility operators are allowed to edit and delete the information they have registered.


  • Please manage UD toilet information in your administrative areas or in your facilities and revise it appropriately if any change occurs.
  • Please do not delete for personal reasons the information you have registered.
  • When you transfer your authority as a local government or as a facility operator to somebody else,you are requested to give prior notice to the website manager. If any misdeed would be found,you would be deprived of the authority.

◇Registration and website use as a “local government” or as a “facility operator” is free of charge. You just need to file an application for your registration. Please fill in the registration form and send it to the website manager.
The authority as a “local government” or as a “facility operator” will be given to those organizations which provide and manage UD toilet information for themselves.

If you manage information about more than 100 UD toilets,let us have a separate consultation
(Please contact us for details.)